How can we help?

Customer Support

Where are my tickets?

Your ticket (or tickets) should have been delivered to your email and texted to the number you provided. Please make sure you have a good internet connection and please check your spam folders.

How can I get a refund?

Voodoo Tickets only provides services to businesses and can not help you process your refund. Every event and venue is different and there is no policy that they all follow so you will need to contact the management of the specific event you are trying to get a refund from. Most of our clients have enabled customer ticket cancellation allowing you to start a refund yourself, to learn more about that, click here.

Still having issues?

If you have any other issues, comments, or concerns. Please contact us via the form below.

Emergency Client Support

Use the information below to contact our 24/7/365 Support Team

Please provide us with your name, venue/business, description of your issue, and a good number to call you at.

  • Call us at 713-202-2599
  • Email our client support manager

Non-Emergency Client Support

Use the information below to contact our Support Team, We will respond during normal operating hours. We’re sorry for any inconveniences you may encounter.

Please provide us with your name, venue/business, description of your issue, and a good number to call you at.

  • Call us at 832-305-6784
  • Email our support team at